Last Friday afternoon (not the best moment for a PR break, but I’ll take what I can get), Mashable posted a generous review of Askablogr. I was curious to see what the mention would do to our traffic curve, and I thought you might be too.
The graph above shows our traffic for the past couple of weeks, with the first jump occurring on the Friday the article hit. The local maximum occurred on the next day, Saturday, at just over 400 visits (about 10x our daily average before the story). The effect faded over the next few days, but just yesterday there was an “echo” spike, higher than the first, as the story and resulting user signups generated coverage in other media (mostly other “Web 2.0” blogs, many of them outside the U.S.)
My next question is how this coverage and resulting member signups will change our daily profile going forward. I’m expecting to hit a new plateau, lower than the peak but with a healthy bump above our run rate before the story hit. I’ll let it run for a little while and post again when the answer is clear.