I got a call two Saturdays ago from a childhood friend who now lives in LA. A family trip to Utah had just fallen through but he didn’t want to cancel entirely; could I get away for a few days midweek to join him in the desert? I checked my calendar, talked to my wife, called my business partner and (with special thanks to my father-in-law, who extended a weekend visit to help cover the kids), booked a ticked to Las Vegas for the following Tuesday.
I didn’t unplug completely (it’s amazing how far into the wilds our wireless infrastructure has made it), but for the better part of three days my friend and I hiked, talked, and ate our way through some of the most spectacular landscapes our country has to offer. With the help of an excellent local guide we even spent a day canyoneering – making a roped descent down a slot canyon well off the beaten track.
Between work, home and kids I don’t get outside much these days, and rarely get more than the occasional dinner or phone call with friends. Brief as it was, this trip was a great reminder that connecting with friends and getting outside to play are (for me) essential ingredients in a well-lived life.