Author Archives: crashdev

Make sure you handle the money

Third party monetization systems — from AdSense and affiliate programs to display ad networks and in-app “offer walls” — are a tempting drug for time-strapped entrepreneurs. In the short term, outsourcing your revenue generation might feel smart: it lets you stay focused on on the “core” projects of building product and audience, without being “distracted” continue…

The best online marketing isn’t always about conversion

Felix Salmon wrote a provocative piece this morning titled “The future of online advertising.” In it, he makes a forceful case for the value of digital advertising as content, not just a gimmick optimized to drive clickthroughs. He drives the point home by describing a recent speaking engagement to a group of digital advertising professionals: “Most continue…

SEO is dead? The link spammers haven’t gotten the memo

In the past year some really smart folks that I respect a lot have declared the death of SEO. And while this may be true for high-quality / high-concepts sites building on new domains, it clearly hasn’t stopped the old-school, gray-hat (and worse) SEO hustlers from plying their trade. When even low-traffic specialty bloggers like continue…

The Money API

The web is a platform, and every modern web developer relies on Application Programming Interfaces — APIs — as critical building blocks in their development process. ProgrammableWeb — a pioneer in the cataloging of public APIs — currently lists 4,290 APIs on their site, from mega-platforms like Google Maps, Twitter and Facebook to uber-niche offerings continue…

The Island of Misfit Toys

I was asked to speak to the Tech Club at the UW Foster School of Business tonight (thanks again for the invite, Saurabh). During the discussion, one of the students in the group asked how I planned my career. My off-the-cuff response was that there wasn’t a lot of planning in it — I actually continue…

Founders Co-op takes a bite of Smore (delicious!)

We just invested in Smore — a member of the TechStars Seattle class of 2011. If you’ve been following our investment activity for a while now, you’ll understand why. Last spring I wrote a post titled “‘Platforms’ aren’t just for developers: accelerate your startup by empowering others.” As I said then: “…any system that honestly seeks continue…

Welcoming Beamit Mobile to the Founders Co-op family

We’re delighted to announce that Founders Co-op is now an investor in Beamit Mobile — a member of the TechStars Seattle Class of 2011. Co-founders Matt Oppenheimer, Josh Hug and Shivas Gulati are on a mission to blow up the current market for international money transfers by taking full advantage of the global ubiquity and continue…

Inbound marketing in an App Store world

Fred Wilson wrote a great piece this week on the pain and frustration felt by mobile app publishers who rely on iTunes or Android Market as the primary distribution channel for their apps. In Fred’s words: “Centralized control of an ecosytem never offers as much opportunity and diversity as a decentralized system. And in the continue…