Category Archives: attention

The Database of Emotions

I had a great conversation with a friend today (Sree Nagarajan, founder + CEO at social media research platform Colligent) that gave me a new handle on the threat that Facebook poses to Google. We were talking about what Colligent does, which is to allow any brand to measure and track their relative affinity with continue…

Nice piece from Fred Wilson on online aggregators

I just came across this mini-rant by Fred Wilson in my feed reader and couldn’t agree more. His key point: “Aggregation is the central element of distributing content on the web. It’s not going to get shut down by calling these services names, suing them, or even worse taking your content out of them. The continue…

Quick Follow-Up On Public Utility Data Portability

Just saw this article in today’s New York Times. A pilot project in Washington State gave ratepayers live data on their energy consumption and let them make consumption changes (e.g., furnace and water heater thermostat adjustments) remotely in response to market conditions, resulting in an average 10% reduction in consumption across the sample. This is continue…

Data Portability Opportunity: Public Utilites

Diving deeper on my current obsession with data portability and legacy datastores, here’s an idea that someone’s probably already working on and that should definitely see the light of day (with a nod to my friend and colleague Dave Naffziger for inadvertently planting the seed last April). First, a pair of assertions: Humans are peer-obsessed; continue…

Data Portability Workgroup: Where are the Non-Web Players?

I read with interest (and even some excitement) this week’s announcement from the Data Portability Workgroup that both Google and Facebook had signed on to (in principle at least) make their users’ social graphs and other information portable across applications. It makes perfect sense that these Web leaders would be among the first to see continue…