Category Archives: Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger nails it again: The U.S. Economy is F***ed

I’m a huge fan of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s lifetime business partner. I’ve written previously about his distillation of behavioral psychology principles for business, but in today’s Slate piece he covers a much bigger topic: where the U.S. economy went wrong and how unlikely it is (given the dominant influence of monied interests on politics) continue…

Marc Andreesen’s a Charlie Munger Fan Too

A while back I did a series of post on Warren Buffet’s partner Charlie Munger and a compilation of his thoughts and speeches titled Poor Charlie’s Almanack; The Wit and Wisdom of Chares T. Munger. The longest of these was a condensation of Charlie’s speech on the Psychology of Human Misjudgement. (The shortest noted the continue…