Category Archives: digital media

Announcing our newest Founders Co-op investment: Nearlyweds!

Today we’re proud to announce a new member of the Founders Co-op family: Nearlyweds! In business since 2007, Nearlyweds! provides personal wedding websites for design-conscious couples. In a market littered with generic free offerings, Nearlyweds! has built a great premium business by focusing on the user experience, partnering with top invitation designers in the industry continue…

Nice piece from Fred Wilson on online aggregators

I just came across this mini-rant by Fred Wilson in my feed reader and couldn’t agree more. His key point: “Aggregation is the central element of distributing content on the web. It’s not going to get shut down by calling these services names, suing them, or even worse taking your content out of them. The continue…

From chaos toward (but not to) order

Since we announced Founders Co-op a few weeks ago my calendar and brain have been randomized way beyond historical norms. In addition to my usual advisory and consulting stuff I’ve been meeting with all kinds of folks across the local startup ecosytem: prospective investment candidates, fellow entrepreneurs, angel investors, mentors for our portfolio companies, etc. continue…

Digital Media: Pockets of Resistance

One of the best things about my involvement in Colligent (f/k/a IndieMarketer) is the ringside seat it offers me on the digital music business, and on digital media in general. From a macro trends perspective, anyone hoping to make money selling access to digital media, whether it’s music, film, still images or text, had better continue…