Category Archives: Personal

Why I dropped out of Stanford business school

I’m a member of Stanford’s Graduate School of Business Class of 1999. My name appears in the alumni directory, I receive frequent GSB fundraising solicitations and the alumni magazine shows up in my mailbox every month. With respect to the GSB, the biggest difference between me and most of my classmates is this: I left the continue…

My 2 cents on the entrepreneur-turned-VC meme

I really enjoyed Mark Suster’s post earlier this week, What’s it Like Being a VC?, in which he details the pluses (many) and minuses (few) of “crossing over to the dark side” from entrepreneur to VC. Having made the same switch – albeit on a <cough> somewhat smaller scale* – his description of both the continue…

In Memoriam

My dad died over the weekend. He gave me many things in life, but I remember him most for his constant, enveloping and unqualified love. He was a giant to me and I miss him terribly. Goodbye, Dad – I love you. Update: here are links to his obituaries in various papers / news outlets continue…

Life is Short, Don’t Miss It

I got a call two Saturdays ago from a childhood friend who now lives in LA. A family trip to Utah had just fallen through but he didn’t want to cancel entirely; could I get away for a few days midweek to join him in the desert? I checked my calendar, talked to my wife, continue…