That Founder Feeling

Lots of ink gets spilled on the mechanics of starting a business (I guess readers and search engines both love “how to” content), but I haven’t come across many accounts of the emotional experience of starting up that feel true or accurate to me. (Marc Andreesen has one of the better posts on the subject, continue…

IndieMarketer and “Product / Market Fit”

In his excellent series of blog posts on building and managing technology startups, Marc Andreesen advances (with an oblique credit to Benchmark’s Andy Rachleff) the idea of “product/market fit” as the foundation of startup success. In his view, achieving product/market fit is the only thing that matters to a startup, trumping all other factors like continue…

UX Design is hard

I spent a bunch of time today (between coughing fits) building screenshots for an application prototype I’m working on. Whenever I try this, I’m reminded how hard it is to build a usable application, no matter how simple it seems at the outset. I don’t claim any great gifts at the discipline, but whenever I continue…


For all dozen of you loyal readers out there, I do intend to keep posting to this blog more-or-less daily but have been laid low since last Wednesday with a particularly tiresome bout of pneumonia. I can’t blame my kids for this one as they’ve been healthy (or as healthy as kids who attend the continue…