Askablogr Question: Site Redesign Ships Today

Q: Hey Chris, are you happy with the new Askablogr design?
Posted by Craig Huizenga

A: Hi Craig, thanks for asking. Tomorrow’s the 2-month anniversary of Askablogr’s initial release, and our visual experience still looked like my original wireframes (which is pretty much where it came from). Thankfully, one of our team members from Judy’s Book, Ron Rundus, was willing to wave his magic wand over it for a few hours, resulting in the design refresh we shipped this morning. And while we didn’t really tackle the user flows (which still need some attention), we now have a much more appealing and intuitive visual presentation. I particularly like the idea of giving questions and answers different text colors to make the different voices stand out, and the widget design is also a big leap forward from the original.

As always, we still have plenty to do to make the product really sing (dropping the registration requirement for asking questions is the next big item on the list), but it’s satisfying to keep moving the idea forward in ways large and small.  I’ll be posting a 2-month stats update later this week, but today is redesign day!