Author Archives: crashdev

Beware of “angels” with sticky fingers

I’ve heard several disappointing stories recently from first-time entrepreneurs who are out building their mentor and investor networks. The companies’ specific situations differ, but the basic story goes like this: — A credible-seeming business person reaches out to the company offering “help” with their business or fundraising. — This person represents themselves as an active continue…

Cascadia rocks!

I spent last Thursday up in Vancouver BC at GrowConf (thanks again to Boris Wertz and Debbie Landa for the kick in the pants) and was incredibly impressed both by the quality of folks who showed up, and by the overall energy of the scene up there. Andy and I created Founders Co-op to help build continue…

Is Apple’s iOS user experience a platform in its own right?

NOTE: I started this post before Steve Jobs announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO, but it’s particularly poignant in light of that news… I had a fun, thought-provoking conversation this morning with Darien Brown, CEO and co-founder of YongoPal (a recent 500 Startups grad). The general theme of our conversation was the new kinds of social continue…

Welcoming Habit Labs to the Founders Co-op family

TechCrunch’s article on this financing had already hit Techmeme by 10 this morning so pretty much the entire world has already heard the news, but I wanted to take a minute to officially welcome Habit Labs co-founders Jen McCabe and Buster Benson to the Founders Co-op family. We’ve been looking for a way to work continue…