Author Archives: crashdev

ReWork: Good (fast) read for scrappy bootstrappers everywhere

 I just jammed through Rework, the latest startup manifesto from 37Signals co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeir Hansson. It’s a very fast read – a few dozen “chapters”, most just a page or two long – and anyone already familiar with lean startups, GTD and Seth Godin’s writing on authentic marketing won’t find much new in it, continue…

Excellent mobile web share analysis by Quantcast

Web analytics provider Quantcast has just released their 2009 Mobile Web Trends Report, a fascinating snapshot of the explosive growth in smartphone adoption and use worldwide. The Apple iPhone phenomenon isn’t exactly news, but the report will help you visualize just how mind-blowing their 30-month rise from zero to 60% global share of mobile web continue…

Applications for TechStars Seattle open today!

Andy has a long post up today on how TechStars came to Seattle, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. TechStars is a fantastic program for early-stage software entrepreneurs who want to radically accelerate their progress and multiply their odds of success. The program has had a big impact on the early stage scene in continue…

My 2 cents on the entrepreneur-turned-VC meme

I really enjoyed Mark Suster’s post earlier this week, What’s it Like Being a VC?, in which he details the pluses (many) and minuses (few) of “crossing over to the dark side” from entrepreneur to VC. Having made the same switch – albeit on a <cough> somewhat smaller scale* – his description of both the continue…