Category Archives: Books

Book Reviews: Small Giants + Nudge

I’ve spent more time on planes than usual lately, which means I’ve actually had time to read something more than my inbox, feed reader and streaming-sources-of-distraction. Two recent reads worth mentioning for this audience are: Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big (Bo Burlingham) This book did nice job of articulating continue…

Book Review: The Post-American World

I just put down Fareed Zakaria’s The Post-American World and couldn’t leave the house without knocking out a quick endorsement. If you’re even the least bit interested in the changing role of America in the world it’s a must-read. Zakaria’s analysis of China and India as societies, economies and political actors is concise, lucid and continue…

Book Review: Radical Evolution

One of the little luxuries afforded by last week’s getaway was the chance to read a book cover-to-cover (somehow having kids has crushed my ability to carve out uninterrupted reading time). I took two books on the trip but only finished one: Radical Evolution by Joel Garreau. I was already familiar with the idea of continue…

Signal, Noise and Neal Stephenson’s New Novel

I’m a big fan of Neal Stephenson’s brand of “realistic” science fiction (Snow Crash is one of my all-time favorites), so this TechCrunch headline caught my eye: “Neal Stephenson’s New Novel Makes Me Want to Kill the Internet“. The headlined post is a review of Stephenson’s new novel, Anathem, and in it the reviewer describes continue…

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Christopher Alexander

In 1999 my partners and I sold our 50-person Web consulting shop Adjacency to Sapient, a public IT consultancy. The next two years of my life were a complete blur of post-merger integration, recruiting and discipline development to flesh out Sapient’s nascent e-business consulting capability, plus an ongoing role selling and delivering client engagements to continue…

Finding the Herbie in Your Web Startup

Thanks to my friend Robin (via Google Reader’s new Share with Friends feature) for pointing me to this post from Evan Williams on the Theory of Constraints. Reading it, I had a simultaneous flashback to my b-school Intro to Operations class, and to a great meeting I had with a very exciting pre-release Web startup continue…