Category Archives: Trends

Now we’re talking…

A while back I posted on the opportunity presented by Google’s Android operating system to completely cut mobile carriers out of the equation for voice calling. Today UK-based Truphone released an application that does just that – but targeted (for the moment) at Apple Touch owners (props to TechCrunch for the tip). Service is limited continue…

Google Ships Contacts Sync for BlackBerry

Earlier today I got a tip from my friend and colleague Danny Vo (one of the co-founders of Cooler Planet) that that latest version of Google Sync for Blackberry now includes Contacts. I just downloaded the new version (0.5.9) and selected the Contacts sync option, and my phone has been grinding away for the past continue…

Expecting Good Things from Decho

There’s not much to go on, but early reports about the new EMC spinoff Decho offer an exciting glimpse into one possible future for personal data mining. Formed by the combination of cloud-based backup provider Mozy and another EMC acquisition called Pi, the new firm plans to offer API-based access to your cloud-based store of continue…

Does Android Even Need Mobile Carriers to Succeed?

As I follow the early press on the HTC / T-Mobile G1 (a.k.a., “the Google Phone”), I’m struck by how little attention the phone features are getting, as compared to the IP-based tasks made possible by the open developer marketplace. One application that got me thinking about where this is all headed is iSkoot, a continue…

Placing Bets On The Mobile Web

Om Malik has a great post up today titled “Why Windows Mobile is in Trouble.” In it, he cites a recent Gartner study on smartphone market share that helps put the iPhone phenomenon in perspective, and also shines a light on prospects for Blackberry’s much anticipated Storm model. As the table below indicates, worldwide iPhone continue…

Paul Kedrosky’s Global Economic Forecast

I’ve long been an avid reader of Paul Kedrosky’s Infectious Greed, a “finance” blog covering everything from micro- (e.g., early stage VC and individual stock analysis) to global-scale macro-economics. His recent posts on the global credit meltdown have been some of the best and most lucid writing I’ve come across on the subject, but today’s continue…

More on PRM: BatchBlue

I was a little late on this one (they launched at DEMO 2007), but Mashable just wrote up another interesting entrant in the Personal Relationship Management (PRM) category: BatchBlue. The article was timely – Andy and I were just talking about the need to manage our professional contacts more effectively last Friday – and the continue…

Apple Netbook Coming Soon? I Hope He’s Right

Mobile tech blogger JKOnTheRun has a fresh post up today offering three reasons why Apple is likely to add a “netbook” to their laptop line in the near future. I have no idea if his arguments hold water, but I sure hope so. It’s coming up on two months since I replaced my stolen laptop continue…